
Dividend policy

Dividend policy

The Company has the policy to pay dividend of no less than 40% of the net profit of the separate financial statement of the Company after deductions of corporate income tax and all reserves as required by the law and Company’s Articles of Association. The dividend payment is subject to change depending on factors such as economic conditions, the Company’s operating results and financial performance, cashflow, revolving funds, investment plan and business expansion, liabilities, terms and conditions according to loan contracts, as well as other appropriateness in the future. The Board of Directors will take these factors into close consideration. Annual dividend payments must be approved by the general meeting of shareholders, with the exception to interim dividend which the Board of Directors may from time to time approve such dividend payment when it is deemed that the Company has sufficient profits for such payment, and after the dividend payment, the Board of Directors shall report it to the shareholders at the next shareholders’ meeting. In this regard, dividend payment must not be in conflict of the law.